Within this collaborative environment are numerous internationally known researchers distinguished for their adaptation and development of methodology relevant to:
- Deep data analytics
- Machine learning
- Statistical modeling
- Econometric modeling
- Computational linguistics
- Social network analysis
- Stochastic modeling
- Experimental economics
The group is active in several areas, including business intelligence, cybersecurity, health informatics, and social media analytics — learn more about our vision and who we are.
Featured Research
- Taming the Wild West of embedded analytics
- Business analytics: A better way to dig into supply chains
- Predictive analytics: Seeing beyond the horizon
- Data or die? How analytics play a vital role in your business
- IT, supply chain and business analytics: Preparing for an exploding field
- The future of analytics: Testing folklore and intuition
- Academe responds to Big Data wave
- BI success factors: Is your company ready to profit from Big Data?
- A picture is worth a thousand numbers: Bringing data alive on the big screen